Here’s a thought

Dear friends and WordPress readers,

If you like my postings please share them. Though please don’t call them your own necessarily.

Use my words to inspire you and your loved ones- that is, if you want to -we have free will in everything.

My audience used to be about 40% Chinese with the rest from many other countries -not just the US.

For the past month it seems I have rare viewers from any where other than the US.

While it could be choice, like maybe I’m too difficult to understand, it may not be. Feel free to cut and paste as ever you see fit.

It’s all part of a hologram of my existence anyway. I may be shut down in some countries or venues, but I’ll try to get through anyway. I suspect there is much to savor.

Be well.

Blessings, and may there be ease in your life.

By Dr. Jen Wyman-Clemons, MD

Dr. Wyman-Clemons treats the body, mind, emotions as well as spiritual wellness using tools described by established teachers and authors and her own experiences as she experiences an ongoing sense of (loving) energetic intrusion (possession) since 2019. She has ~thirty years of clinical experience as an allergy and internal medicine physician (ABAI, ABIM) has completed requirements to practice as a yoga teacher, USUI Reiki Master, and astrologer.


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