Swamp Wo(e)-man and Her World

Swamp has subdued quality from being quiet for so long it’s terminally yin. Swamp world has no expansion.

The swamp itself as a flat minimally moving shallow body of water- yet underneath it’s teeming. While there’s a sense of near-terminal peacefulness yet don’t be lulled. This quality seems shared by all swamps I imagine where waters are deep and dark in stillness.

I’ve visited trapped swampland upstate in New York’s Adirondacks while canoeing on still water- one of my favorite activities. And been fortunate to kayak in Kauai’s mangroves. My favorite so far were near Assateague beach in Virginia.

In swamp’s quiet areas I soak up ambient stillness whenever I visit. We have a local one, for marshland off the sound, but I’d only go with a buddy – swamps can be pretty isolated.  I wouldn’t want to go alone, in case I might fall in- and then what might happen?!

In the swamp I’m ‘seeing’, lights rays filter softly, a little ray here and there. Like in caves, there might be a sound of dripping. But unlike caves there’s little solid ground.


While canoeing in the Adirondacks, I collected some swamp water holding an open bleach bottle. In my 3 cup swipe were a few a ~2-3 inch algal balls. they were graceful and translucent as they bore purposefully- trying to escape my curiosity experiment.

It was the coolest thing I’d ever seen – short of looking at life under a microscope for the first time. I dumped them out quite gingerly when I was done looking.

(I’ll try to find the picture; I’ve got a slide negative).

The swamp reflects a life spent in stillness.


The Adirondack wasn’t a particularly wet swamp in valley gulley, as I imagine the bayou’s are, more glacial trapping; water was fresh not brackish. And it mostly didn’t drip although there was a low mist in the morning when I looked out of my tent.


When I think of hu(e)man-kind as it is now – it seems to me, basically swamp-like.

Even though there are many redeeming qualities, our western society is mostly fetid with bits of shimmering.

Light occasionally floats up to the top – most often after a disturbance, when angels and helpers become visible. Most lives are caught up in glues of karma.


Predictably there airborne denizens flitting within swamp’s occasional dense canopy – searching for a meal- tempting hints of vulnerable creatures darting in the depths or just under the surface – mere suggestions of fish as they swim leaving indented ripples. Water is displaced as they propel themselves in and over the water – are they fishing or being fished?

From above seen as evidence of prize for a taker – birds like heron standing in the shallows, waiting for a quiet little fish swimming unawares.

Or attract the eye of handsome predator ibis or his kin egret, birds which stand for hours in stagnant emotions, I mean water, and barely get their feet wet. Themselves stay high and dry, logical emotionally untouched – knowing by their traipsing in the shallows, waters get stirred.  

So they try not to – standing patiently and quietly for just the right moment to catch his dinner.

With a fish’s brief projectile form as he leaps and splashes, yet again he might have caught the ear of now new local predator  a being who otherwise wasn’t- or that he knew of. And with that Nature evolves a new a game of evade and escape.


In the oldest swamps, way overgrown, the canopy parts rarely. Life is underlit by moss and green algae. More like then ambient light is gobbled up and spit out- as it’s soaked up plant life’s overgrown branches.

Fish come when you feed them – and then even bigger ones as word get’s out.

In the fish community under water, vibrations travel. “Plop” “plop” telegraphs: ‘fat fish over there’ – and then potentially more food for snakes, eels and alligators.

Being fed, the swamp creatures have no incentive to drag themselves up and out of it –they’re content to stay and receive handouts.

Swamp creatures are stuck mostly because they’re fed by a little old wo(e)-man[1] who’s tends it.  Staying by it’s side at all times, swamp wo(e)-man lives there in her waterlogged cottage. The swamp is grateful for her care as she gives it and she its company in return.

Swamp wo(e)-man too lives on swamp’s food offerings – subsisting on herbs and root, but she has two legs and could leave whenever she wants.

But swamp wo(e)-man chooses to stay believing in her heart, this is her best life (maybe because she heard someone say it once- or maybe she said it to herself now refusing to explore anywhere new at all).


Clearing even briefly with strong winds or cutlass the swamp always grows back when left al(l)-one and is evidence of its conditions use of words and heartbreak they cause.

At night occasional fireflies- or flashlight might reflect off it’s surface. Rarely does the moon or stars- nor do rainbows or other sky miracles.  

In the valley – the land meeting between mountains, one might see all of these -even if you need keep your eyes peeled and its seasonal.


The wo(e)-man might “disappear” anyone who doesn’t need to be around- or turn her eye from those who would- letting them get away. Which is why I think going al(l)-one is d’angerous (and born of anger). But them, parts of me are coward.

Once you fall in the swamp, you could be gone without trace.

Like hu(e)-mans fixated on what is in front of them -having lost all but situational awareness, they can get stuck in an endless quagmire- especially if there’s quicksand.




In our swamp of hu(e)manity, everywhere everything seems green(ish) and growing – fed by waters that come from all over filter in and its leaf nitrogen.   Waters carry resonance of other lives – like whispering holograms suggesting of other lives, but not of its blooms.

Swamp life is but brackish dregs- as anyone knows who lives nearby. It’s water isn’t potable.

Swamp doesn’t know anything else. And it will stay that way- without exposure, drainage, and filling in and that’s okay, for now.

Swamps are only fit for a few trees cypress, well-named man-groves and hardwoods- plants seemingly impervious to having their crown immersed.

While it seems they are thriving without air, they’ll never become massive like Lebanon’s, which they might if their diet was even better – like fresh air on Sundays.

Swamps tree plants are productive – at least according to ones appealing to the eye and rare big birds. To be so, they shut out most light falling below – taking it for themselves.

So you could consider swamps to be auxiliary members of earth’s lungs- they produce oxygen as well as methane and hydrogen sulfide.

Shut out from the light by their canopy above there’s little underbrush to speak of. You know, like small to medium-sized shrubs.  Other plants which could draw in a wider range of commensal spirits.

Starved of movement, swamp is silent, aside from plops or rare squishes.


Flowers are rare but can be of exceptional beauty –lotus and water lilies. Borne on stalks reaching up from the bottoms of swamp’s depths. One could call lotus the ‘king’ of plants for his contrasting beauty despite lineage of emitting from muck. Despite a lack of tending, his crown is born and thriving. Granted lotus and water lily don’t make the best cut flowers – wilting instead of opening once detached from their bases.


Submicroscopically swamp is full of stagnant proteins and little that is fresh mostly is teeming with breathless anaerobes.

Astringency, bitters, and acids are missing. Esters are absent. Life seems to my hu(e)-man’s eye “blah” endlessly. Fish taste like gamy bird poop and whatever falls in- dirt. No wonder a person needs so much salt and hot sauce for food to mimic palatability!

(But then eating stagnant proteins is true of all cuisines really-especially French; sauces were developed to make the rancid edible.)

Swamps’ local collective living below eye level unseen by wo(e)-man’s eye, go about life in a murky gloom.

Reflecting little light themselves- they haven’t quite made it from the boson field or taken full form yet other than being big or little. So why not just be grey and grimy? There’s no reason to have sparkly scales- at least until the feds apply remedies.


While mountains erode with winds and rain to become gradually effaced, swamp sits there unchanged, though a constant can wax and wane- depending on what it’s fed, compared to in bright valley right outside.


Visiting a swamp dimness takes time to adjust to when you’ve been out in bright light and vice- versa.


Did you know hu(e)-mans have infinite untapped potential to become productive creator g-ds, that until now have been asleep?

And as hu(e)mans step out from their slumber, and they will, when their schools change and they will, when teachers wake up- as she too has been sedated with Kool-Aid- saccharin pleasant emotional interactions of vapid panacea- spiced by colorful panache- (and ultimately depleting, when Kool-Aid’s score card is tallied).

Communities will spring up as never before. As worlds fill with new ideas and approaches – inventions will be borne not from necessity but inspiration, and shared in languages common to their now extended collectives.  You’ll see – the world will be more attractive to our eyes. Inner beauty radiates out.

As our inner Aries self awakens–our holy candle’s flame tip, we’ll become each our pioneer self instead of warrior. We’ll be homesteading in our own integrity as participants of personal and community collectives- not just successful being called a boss by external criteria.

I’ll refer you to my “souk school” idea of teaching and learning – once is fully implemented ~probably in 20-30 years. That’s when Pluto goes into Pisces. With that, dreams will be realized, in an essential idealized way – keep your eye on your goals in the meanwhile- for yourself and your collective world which radiates you.

To find out more about what you like, besides researching about your fifth house, If you see a picture you really like research it.

Find out there’s something that really turns you on. check out pictures on the internet, magazine or newspaper and especially related to one’s surroundings. Make a scrapbook to celebrate life- even little things count.

If you’re still coming up short, whenever you get triggered, after unconditionally forgiving yourself (you are pure waveform energy – you’re likely to blunder), and everyone else, because they are too, as we all come to be more embodied creator beings research every aspect of that interaction.

Your soma needed something from it; keep your mind open. You’ve been waiting your whole life for the moment. Stay present with other’s not in your collective; learn everything you can, the good, the bad of each other. Honor known susceptibilities leading you off track.

With Pluto going into Aquarius, and Jupiter joining with Uranus (change/ shifts/ re-evolution) in the 3D sensory world of Taurus- so tangible, and Neptune on the brink and verge of going into Aries- dreams in animation. Now Neptune is finishing up dissolving the dissolved – being in sign of Pisces since April 2011. We are as humanity, coming into a new world.

Humanity’s butterfly completion cycle lasting until the beginnings of for another 248 years – Pluto (and United States of America’s Pluto return- which its just finishing up now), before humanity will, as in we’ll or “we will”, thrust forward in a whole new way- into Aries – the sign of sovereignty.

This will apply to everyone, even today’s sovereigns (and our anti-Christs)- they were being the bad guys to keep everyone in lines.

As communities form around like-talents there will be more meaningful connections.

And as everyone gets to learn everything – at least to a version of pre- apprentice stage– we will be able to earn each other’s respect. Someone will be naturally more gifted at one thing than another – and cause for celebrations (with adult beverages).

There will be plenty of Seagram’s economy – but for good reasons, not drowning in sorrows and recriminations. Hu(e)-mans have the unique privilege of shape and energy shifting at will – so celebrate! It’s what we are here for. Give good toasts.

Not respected for who we sound, look or act like, but for genuine objective reasons.

Graduates will be able to show their portfolios full of tangible progress and know they are the beginnings of being a real somebody.

 With this there’ll be a huge difference in life quality.

While economies will always be built upon Sisyphean tasks, seemingly meaningless tasks, they are here to stay. After all Sisyphean tasks are what keep us clean and comfortable. Even those can and will individuate. 

May it be so each individual blooms – as no other can for them- to become the diamond they are deep down.

While these and yesteryear’s lifestyles might have seemed like “good old days”, the future will be great – relatively speaking. Already statisticians and economists can rightfully say objectively, almost every social parameter is actually improving – even if the news is s’ickening- when it comes to measured anything.

Superlatives of how one lives will come later (at least relative to the time frame we are currently living in as waveforms).

Everyone loves to hear how each other is doing so let there continue to be reporters; and to focus on domestic issues supporting client base; make a big deal about community centers.

Homes are for relaxation and nurturing (usually by the rhythms of established chore routines). Homes will become more peaceful– as we more share our needs versus wants –the power of cooperation and balanced mutual aid will be demonstrated. As we have more opportunities to share expertise more freely- once we come to understand WE ARE EACH UNIQUELY MAGNIFICENT- and yet there’s crossover too. Everything is reciprocal.

On Fridays and Saturdays it would be fun to congregate in community centers with their woodshops, ‘sewing’ rooms, and group tabled public kitchens allowing a opportunity for congregation (as examples- I can think of others). For me, this sounds like opportunity for a hot date with like mind(s)!

… and sounds like the Army’s walk-in mini-mall with place to catch a bite! There are already wonderful ideas for souk/community school infrastructure – with more on the way.)

As we open our ears and close our eyes (at least to superficiality) the health of our collectives will grow – as they can, and they will.

Blessings and Happy New Year 2024!

All is Inshallah! And with G-d all things are possible (using talents of G-ddess, of course).

[1] Wo(e)-man carry the woes and bend over from their burdens but not from humility. Wo(e)-man, until now, go through life, as if bearing crosses, worrying and railing about what he did or didn’t do and staying in grief instead of standing up and moving on. I’m thinking instead of referring to myself as a wo(e)-man, I’ll go for ‘mystic g-ddess- as archetype’.

I’ve finally taken my woes and woven a beautiful tapestry -about my life, and a construct to look back on as I finish a lifetime.

May it be so, this soon changes!!! It is time for wo(e)-men to be their own leaders – to receive from others equally as they give, and create tangible and lasting beauty for themselves.

By Dr. Jen Wyman-Clemons, MD

Dr. Wyman-Clemons treats the body, mind, emotions as well as spiritual wellness using tools described by established teachers and authors and her own experiences as she experiences an ongoing sense of (loving) energetic intrusion (possession) since 2019. She has ~thirty years of clinical experience as an allergy and internal medicine physician (ABAI, ABIM) has completed requirements to practice as a yoga teacher, USUI Reiki Master, and astrologer.

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