Meeting a new energy (in a dream sequence) …and subsequent synchronicity.

“I was walking along a chilly cool hallway somewhat anxiously going to find out news as to why I had no heat in my unit. Thankfully the repair men were already there working – I was getting info about the bottom line. A relay pump was out; it’s ‘booster’ was out- failing to deliver; it needed a reboot.

As I stood there congregating with the men for their news about the furnace, unrelated people were streaming in – purposeful each in their way – none looking or noticing me. Just then a tall man with broad placid features (like any Russian or Scandinavian Santa might be depicted) came in slightly leaning on a cane; the minute he saw me, he started beaming. He was there to see me.

While we weren’t acquaintances I felt I knew him right away and eagerly led him towards my quarters and to show him around, passing through my exes’- and kids’ somewhat messy kitchen- on the way to my nicer- spaceship-like kitchen.

(Though slightly embarrassed for its messiness, I didn’t apologize-nor did I feel any need to.)

Meeting a kindly man was a delightful dream to have; until now I’ve known in my life. Waking up I felt hopeful and lifted.  I knew we had a lot in common and  we shared a form of kinship.” (end of dream)


Then next day my AFA astrology periodical came – which I eagerly opened to skim and found an article about how a medieval astrologer (named Paul) had, based on a previous Arabian astrologer Ma’shar’s prediction that a prophet/seer would arise from a particular set of future conjunctions and aspects between Saturn and Jupiter in ~ 1484. (Later others debated whether the prophet was Michel Nostradamus or Martin Luther born a year earlier in 1483[1] . Nostradamus was born 19 years later than the conjunction – when the eclipse had returned to the same spot.

For the heck of it I ran my affinities with both of them. As I did I realized looking a the pictures Nostradamus looked just like the guy who’d come in to the room in my dream!

The more I researched, I found Michel Nostradamus and I had similar paths to holistic medicine but from different directions. He first became an apothecary (herbalist), then tried to become a doctor but was dismissed for having worked as apothecary (which at the time was taboo manual labor forbidden by medical profession) – then later turned away and denounced traditional medicine to became a ~mystical prophet and later wrote his quatrains in almanac form (obscurely catalogued visions relating to world events and leaders). So there’s a good possibility we might have been true friends! Does that sound familiar!

On we scored ~100% by their AI algorithms for mental, sexual, emotional, communicative compatibility).

With Nostradamus I share Venus conjunct in Aquarius (his at 3, mine at 5 degrees-we both love and value (Venus words) science and astrology (Aquarian words) and come across as original (more Aquarian words).

His moon (representing one’s lineage’s reactive emotions- inherited light body soma receptor self – which gets taught (induced further) by environmental exposures) exactly conjuncts my Ascendant (15 Scorpio) and trines my Sun conjunct Mercury (15 and 16 Pisces).

His Neptune (Spirituality) at 22 Capricorn matches my Mars (desires) at 21- he concretized his dreams while I concretize my desires. The house where Capricorn is on the cusp is that part of life we create measurable and visible or feel our most fear (so we compensate and build tangible structures).

My Lilith (representing inner creational being) matches the way he sees the world – as it’s directly on his Ascendant.

Our synastry chart has strong trines with our status – mine to heal/teach in a transformative and exacting way; he to communicate the spirit of universe’s machinery with his revolutionary dreams (Uranus in Pisces in 12). 

His books are still original – few had published prophecies before- so in that sense he might have been seen to fuel a new world.

Other synastry– his Saturn (structure, form) exactly trines my sun – so his form gives ease to my sense of sovereignty (which is exactly how I experienced him – as reassuring;  my heart’s soul  (also sole – with my heart being a Pisces also ruling the feet) complements/ enhances/ gives ease to forms on which he’s focused with his Mars, conjunct Saturn and Jupiter in Cancer degrees 19, 15 and 11 respectively. He did make expansive focused structures (books).

Even if our Mars quite oppose –mine wants to outwardly build at 21 Capricorn his at 19 Cancer; so I’d probably get annoyed with his obsession over inner worlds (obviously this would be a projection). But that’s what gives a relationship spice! I’m guessing we’d have focused and productive arguments (like I used to have with my Cancerian father)!

As an aside, while we might have been lovers with our Venus conjunct, we were more likely to friends since he had a Capricorn heart which Pisces find cold (and he’d find me to be excessively sappy or people-pleasing martyr).

Subsequently I’ve ‘called’ on Michel to ‘discuss’ particular conundrums and have ‘received’ amusing and helpful witty ‘advice’. What a pleasure to connect with a friend of sorts!

With my dream I felt comforted – and was introduced to the energy of a friend which is new for me -besides my Love Daemon- who BTW is still coming on strong but I with Michel’s ‘help’ I can more quiet- (though it may be more productive to participate in a “group hug” – acknowledge and thank both of ‘them’ – so I can get on doing my stuff -mostly Sisyphean chores)!

I’m glad I followed through on my hunches and did the research– all the way to publishing!

Mashallah Habibi! And everything is Inshallah.

[1] I’ve always identified with Martin Luther – astrologically -we share in our passionate mission. His Mars sits on my Jupiter at 1Scorpio; his spiritual mind (Neptune conjunct Mercury) trines (easily complements) my Uranus in Leo (but hidden in his 12th house of taboo.) We both experienced (harsh) fiery disciplining mothers. He didn’t know his father.

His childhood experiences likely inspired him to become a monk- at one point I wanted to be one. In both our cases there were deep heart wounds from our mothers’ words and actions to us as young children- when the world is still experienced as real and literal. Without father figures we need(ed) G-d’s spirit to ‘fix’ us.

By Dr. Jen Wyman-Clemons, MD

Dr. Wyman-Clemons treats the body, mind, emotions as well as spiritual wellness using tools described by established teachers and authors and her own experiences as she experiences an ongoing sense of (loving) energetic intrusion (possession) since 2019. She has ~thirty years of clinical experience as an allergy and internal medicine physician (ABAI, ABIM) has completed requirements to practice as a yoga teacher, USUI Reiki Master, and astrologer.

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