Are you ready to experience healing at a deeper level?

Are you challenged by insomnia, anxiety, or lack of motivation? Has the news and media got you hooked? Are you looking for balance? Have you tried supplements, asked “Dr. Google”, followed professional advice…and yet still feel stymied?

After almost 30 years of practice in Western medicine (as an allergist) I understand first hand the limitations of Western medicine – and also that its tendency to name and diagnose, creates a worsening of any condition. Look at ANY disease that has been concentrated on over the last 50 years – they are all much worsened in prevalence.

Focusing on what you don’t want – brings more of it -just by sheer need to then “avoid” we are further focusing on a negative – not on the results we want. Here’s are two alternatives:

Did you know as mitochondrial waveforms of energy we are a manifestation of the galactic quantum field – focused by our personal and progressed astrology- dancing with astrologic transits? I didn’t think so. Read that sentence again. Get your horoscope done if you need some reassurance.

As each of us have unlimited potential, it is very important not to degrade or reduce oneself in any way. A healthy mitochondrial waveform is like a candle flame in gentle surroundings.

Unfortunately both the doctor’s offices and schools are focusing on terrible negatives with their questionnaires and scorecards.  Today our culture(s) and our world at large seems to be under unimaginable duress – and yet, it also isn’t.

(Check out Swedish statistician Hans Rosling. According to his analysis, most countries have had frequent wars, droughts, floods, or famines, etc with much higher violence and body counts in the past.)

A study done by NASA in the 70s of thousands of very young children showed. most, (97%) by their problem-solving skills, could be considered genius – but when retested a decade later, only 2% still were.

The true degradation is from our honing to “news” – that really isn’t.

Furthermore, children (and adults), need to be e-duced, not slammed into silos. Check out my “souk” essay; there’s more coming:

I have personal experience in managing anger, really rages, and overwhelming emotions – especially after sitting for 2 ten day silent meditation retreats and from finally being told about the power of thoughts on our corpus from the “Modern Mystery School”.

Speaking angry words are a sign of being triggered. That’s all. Once we learn to manage (and unconditionally forgive our triggers – using ho ‘ono pono pono), and learn to more healthily those situations likely to recreate such language, even if it means avoiding them altogether, we stop wounding our inner heart self with our own harsh thoughts and words.

Also, I learned to love myself after becoming energetically “possessed” by an intrusive, though very loving daemon. This last is/ was terrifying, even if at the same time, it was amorous (mostly tenderly applying to my head, neck, hands and shoulders). While it’s intense (and probably needs reworking), here’s one of many essays about that:

Prior to that I was stuck in my (ab-usive parents) recording loops; I didn’t know how bitter I was. Here’s a letter I wrote for children in a similar circumstance:

Please check out my blog essays. If you find them helpful, with steadier moods, more vitality, deeper sleep, in short: greater health and abundance, then please consider making a donation. Don’t settle for less. Experience more.

(Click here to read my story) . We can  heal and feel better as long as we are alive! But more importantly, we must learn to trust ourselves – and our collectives.

I’ve also written several essays about the Hebrew letters as they appear to me. Here’s the first one about Tzaddi and Ayin: